Accessibility Kiwi


We are living in the 21st century – and electronic devices have become part of our everyday life. Our world is full of unique people with different needs in different situations. You and I, we are one of them. Whether we surf with or without glasses, use alternative devices, sit in the shadow or in the sun, or prefer reading or listening; everyone’s uniqueness should be respected. Accessibility Kiwi has the goal to make the World Wide Web a little more accessible for everyone.

Heres the thing. When you have someone who is impaired or different and you place them into a badly designed environment. The environment disables them.

(Jamie Knight)

By designing and coding with accessibility in mind, we can contribute to a more inclusive web. Or – if we have to convince the business – for more sales. It is an ongoing process. There is no definitive endpoint. However, we should follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.2 (A and AA), as they provide criteria authored by the people who rely on them.

We need accessibility for our community. And to achieve just that, there is the Accessibility Kiwi.


This guide focuses on the key aspects of inclusive design. Instead of decorating everything with fancy “laws” or prescriptive “solutions“, challenges and alternatives are presented. Every situation, every case, is different. Just a few arguments are offered in order to support discussions with the management for incorporating accessibility.

You are invited to join the dialogue! ♡


Accessibility requires the collective effort of ensuring, that every part of a product works together harmoniously. Moreover, it needs to be adjusted and utilized on an individual basis. Development plays a crucial role on a big amount of criteria.

You are invited to contribute! ♡
